How to register as a GP in Australia | UK and Irish doctors

It generally takes 6-9 months to complete the paperwork required for working in Australia, including medical registration and visa acquisition. You can start this process after securing a job opportunity. I can help you find a job. Just register here to get the ball rolling.

Here’s how it works:

  1. The Australian Medical Council (AMC) reviews your application before passing it on to either the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) or the Australian College of Remote and Rural Medicine (ACRRM).

  2. The College determines comparability by evaluating your qualifications or, in certain situations, requiring you to take a FICPI (Fitness for Intended Clinical Practice Interview).

  3. The Australian Health Practitioners Registration Authority (AHPRA) approves your registration by looking at your college results and ensuring you meet the necessary English language requirements. They also require you to provide ten years of Certificates of Good Standing.

  4. I can assist you in getting a 457 work visa..

  5. To refer patients and order tests in Australia, you'll need a Medicare Provider Number. You can apply for this once you're in the country, and it may take up to 28 days to process.

Are my UK or Irish GP medical qualifications recognised in Australia?

The Specialist Pathway Program (SPP) offers a way for internationally trained GPs to become Fellows of the RACGP. Another option is to apply for Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), which is also recognised under Medicare.

What is District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) and how does it affect me?

To obtain a Provider number, you usually need to work in a DWS area. The Australian Government uses this system to ensure fair distribution of medical services across the country. DWS areas are not limited to remote outback locations, but can also include outer suburbs, smaller regional cities, and coastal towns. After 10 years of practice (or fewer in a very rural area), you can practice anywhere you choose, without the DWS restriction.

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